happy assetcore user

Those that are squeezing best value out of their security pool, certain they are in compliance with their obligations and possessing records to match…

and those that are not customers of AssetCore.

AssetCore has been helping Housing Associations improve their record-keeping, gain and retain control of data on charging exercises and simplify their processes for years. Don’t be shy, get in touch.

It’s not like you will be the only one, some of the biggest names in the industry are committed users of AssetCore – like Peabody, Citizen and L&Q.

If you’d like to follow us, we’d be very proud.

soon to be user of assetcore

We are different

Standard, public pricing

Our prices are a matter of public record, we do not discount (sorry – at least you know the price you see is the price you pay.)

We don’t nickel and dime customers with bills for consultancy – although we can charge a consultancy fee we almost never do (we try to be nice people who never say no to customer requests – but don’t want to end up cleaning the toilets or somesuch as a result).

Implementation, training, support, general nattering about the state of the nation or the Succession shaped hole in your evening viewing is all included in the price.

If you change your mind that’s fine

You set the notice period on the contract- the only thing we insist is that the period applies both ways. And you can change it later if you want.

We keep making it better

AssetCore includes the ability to record enhancement requests so that the good ideas of our customers can be included in the product. We have one product and all improvements are available to all customers so obviously there is no charge for this. Our release history is public too – so you can see what we actually achieve.

We try to make a release every two months (and sometimes fail dismally to hit that target) but customers can always see where we have gotten to because the Enhancements section of the system is our work-tool. We aspire to be a transparent software company.

assetcore user testimonial


CHP’s use of AssetCore to secure properties contributed to the successful outcome of our recent bond tap. Particularly useful was the share function which ensures all interested parties were working from the same property lists.

Sallyann Jeffrey, Treasury Specialist, CHP

The instant access to this asset data will add greater value to Capsticks’ advice and support to our clients as they face a multitude of challenges to operate more commercially whilst retaining high levels of customer care to their tenants.

Jennifer Bennett, Partner at Capsticks

It is clear AssetCore will be instrumental in consolidating our loan security property data and will ensure we integrate the data for our newly amalgamated group. The use of Asset Core has been very helpful to our work.

Bob Edginton, Regulatory and Compliance Manager, Peabody